Fish & Nankivell
Fish & Nankivell is recognised as the pre-eminent Australian owned executive search firm with a presence in Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra. Having been founded in 1984, Fish & Nankivell is the oldest locally owned search firm in Australia. The firm is 100% owned by the partners. This gives us a vested interest in building a sustainable business through client satisfaction. From our Head Office at 1 Collins Street Melbourne, we conduct assignments across Australia. Fish & Nankivell is one of the founding members of Penrhyn International (, a partnership of independently owned executive search firms located in all the commercial centres around the world. Penrhyn provides us with international expertise and global reach. Penrhyn is currently ranked in the top 15 global search firms.
Account type
Listed Since
November 2021
Total number employees
No information
Location & Regional scope
Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia