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Kevin Williamson
Our founding partner, Kevin, uses 20 years of executive search experience, international background and an abundance of British wit to work on some of the most senior searches at Parker Remick. He has led numerous C and V-level searches for clients such as Google, Amazon, eBay, Square and Pinterest. He also leads business development activities for the firm. Before founding Parker Remick in 1998, Kevin led the technology practice at FSS International, a global executive search firm. Outside of work, Kevin serves on the boards of the Humane Society and WeSNIP, hikes, and participates in triathlons. Fun Fact about Kevin: He is a trained meteorologist; although his dream of being a TV weatherman got rained upon, he can still predict the weather with astounding accuracy. Kevin holds a BSc in Psychology from Plymouth University in the UK.
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Listed Since
July 2021
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Parker Remick Llc