Dr. Armin Betz founded HR Consult Group AG in 1994 and has been a board member since 1996. His focus is on building networks and cooperation models, which is demonstrated daily with the brands PERSONAL TOTAL and SENATOR. He supports the continuous development of systems and processes in HR Consult. Many of the new developments carried out by HR Consult Group AG are now standard in the personnel consulting industry. The accumulated knowledge of the group within the past decades is summarised in training courses and seminars and enables a comprehensive as well as well-founded training to become a personnel consultant, which is certainly unique in Germany. With more than 250 successfully trained personnel consultants, this is a USP in the German personnel consulting industry.
He has been working in HR consulting for more than 25 years and is one of the most experienced HR consultants in Germany. His consulting focus is on the automotive and mechanical engineering sectors, especially e-mobility and renewable energies. The areas of human resources and aptitude diagnostics round off his consulting profile.
For several years, he has been a guest lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences in Landshut on the topic of aptitude diagnostics and its current developments. He is also a lecturer at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Munich on topics such as the latest HR trends, modern recruiting methods and potential analyses.
With his doctorate in the field of aptitude diagnostics, he ideally rounds off his fields of competence, especially with regard to personnel and management consultancy. The dissertation deals with the identification and proof of typical personality traits of engineers as well as the definition of development areas for a successful professional career. These are scientifically derived and presented in the book "Eignungsdiagnostik im Praxiseinsatz".
Before becoming self-employed, Dr Betz worked in product marketing and marketing strategy for a German premium car manufacturer.
He started his professional career in the automotive industry in the areas of sales, development and marketing after graduating as an automotive engineer and industrial engineer, and also spent a year in Japan with one of the largest automotive suppliers.
Listed Since
December 2024