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James Sipe
Associate Client Partner
Mr. Sipe has extensive international experience in leadership assessment and development, coaching, teamwork, organization development, and change management. He combines his background as an entrepreneur with wide-ranging expertise in human behavior and organizational systems to provide practical, effective development solutions. As an executive coach, Mr. Sipe partners with his clients around gaining insight, acquiring skills, and practicing behaviors that increase personal performance, strengthen relationships, and drive organizational success. Mr. Sipe serves clients in retail, consumer goods and services, energy and utilities, health care, medical, and pharma; technology products and services, business and financial services, manufacturing, family businesses, and the public sector. Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Sipe served as a co-founder and principal of Magellan Executive Resources, Inc., Project Family, and Renovex Corporation, companies that help individuals, families, and organizations achieve their optimal levels of health, fitness, and well-being. Mr. Sipe is widely recognized as an expert proponent of the principles and practices of leading by serving. He is the co-creator of the Servant Leadership Training Academy and lead author of Seven Pillars of Servant Leadership: Practicing the Wisdom of Leading by Serving (2009 / 2015, Paulist Press). Mr. Sipe earned his doctoral degree in counseling psychology and organization / family systems, his master's degree in public health, and bachelor's degree in psychology and health sciences, all from the University of Minnesota. Mr. Sipe is a member of the American Society for Training and Development; the Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership; and a former board chair for the Northwest Minneapolis YMCA.
Account type
Listed Since
September 2021
Location & Regional scope
Minneapolis, MN, United States