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Fiona Oliphant
Fiona Oliphant joined Six Degrees Executive in 2019 as a consultant in the Melbourne team. She has a wealth of experience recruiting across a number of disciplines including accounting and finance, IT, sales, and graduate recruitment. Prior to working at Six Degrees Executive, Fiona had previously worked at a large recruitment agency, specialising in accounting and finance. After this role, she moved in-house and recruited across the graduate program and IT roles for their communications’ division. Developing innovative and specialised sourcing strategies to attract high calibre talent was a key element of this experience. When coming onboard with Six Degrees Executive, Fiona joined the Executive Search team in a research capacity and then worked in the FMCG sales team. Looking for the challenge to be more directly involved with clients, she moved across to the Sales and Marketing team to focus on Senior Sales positions. She has a keen interest in the FMCG space and is excited to be immersed in this world. Fiona’s passion for recruiting is centred around the consultative aspect of the role. Being able to add value to both clients and candidates is where Fiona’s skills lie and brings immense satisfaction. Understanding, in depth, the importance of finding the perfect role for candidates and perfect candidates for the client is her daily motivation to do better.
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August 2021