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Celine Combelas
Ms. Combelas brings a significate experience in serving strategy and management consulting clients by identifying talents to fill a variety of general management and senior roles such as country leaders, partners and principals. She specialises in building global teams for clients, creating new practices and expand geographies with expertise in recruiting talent to Europe and Middle East. In addition, Ms. Combelas focuses on functional positions, specifically in Corporate Strategy and Project Management Office Departments, across all Industry sectors. Ms. Combelas began her executive career at a global executive recruiting firm, and previously spent seven years at Deloitte in Paris. A graduate of Bordeaux IV University, she received a master's degree from Pantheon Assas University. Native French, she is fluent in English.
Account type
Listed Since
August 2021
Works at
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Korn Ferry
Location & Regional scope
Paris, Ile-de-France, France