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Stacie Ludford
Senior Associate
Stacie Ludford is a Senior Associate with Stanton Chase Nashville, bringing more than 15 years of executive search experience to the team. With a keen sense of attention to detail and priority management, Stacie helps support every aspect of the search process from launch to close, as well as providing exceptional business development and relevant marketing assistance. Prior to joining Stanton Chase, Stacie worked for a global food and beverage company supporting the customer sales team for one of the largest, small-format retailers in the United States. This experience gave Stacie a fresh perspective into the client/customer collaboration and the importance of cultivating key respected relationships within both organizations. Stacie was born and raised in Connecticut. She spent the majority of her earlier career working within corporate roles located throughout the Tri-State area and California. In 2005, Stacie relocated to Nashville, Tennessee. Stacie received an executive secretarial diploma from Stone Business School and studied communications and media relations at Western Connecticut State University. In her free time, Stacie enjoys traveling, hot yoga, riding horses and Harleys, and spending time with family and friends.
Account type
Listed Since
April 2024
Location & Regional scope
Nashville, TN, United States